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Showing posts from January, 2023

As public cloud use increases, security gaps widen

The public cloud has many advantages: Low cost, reliability, flexibility, simplicity, scalability. But it has many security gaps, too.

Complexity is the enemy of productivity

Move business processes to an adaptive platform and away from brittle customizations and tribal knowledge to remove complexity.

Black swans events are shaping the cybersecurity present and future

Black swan events are pushing the cybersecurity industry to strengthen defensive products and provide a comprehensive solution.

Plan now for the internet’s transformation by the metaverse and Web3

How Web3 and the metaverse will transform the internet for individuals and companies alike, and what companies should do to prepare now.

Top 5 stories of the week: Ransomware takes a hit, Intel struggles, CIOs get their own special issue, and more

January is nearly over --- time is flying by! And things aren't slowing down in the tech world, either. Here's the top 5 stories this week.

10 steps every business can take to avoid a cybersecurity breach

10 ways to beef up your cybersecurity and prevent the potentially ruinous damage to your business of a data breach.

Demystifying the metaverse: How CIOs can keep it real

Amidst the hype around the metaverse, CIOs are tasked with understanding the reality of the technology and its business potential.

Accelerating AI for growth: The key role of infrastructure

High-performance AI infrastructure offers CIOs and enterprises a way to cost-effectively manage and accelerate growth of production AI.

As AI booms, reducing risks of algorithmic systems is a must, says new ACM brief

AI is booming, but a new ACM brief says ubiquity of algorithmic systems “creates serious risks that are not being adequately addressed.”

Federated learning key to securing AI

Federated learning can elevate AI. By securing model training, it unlocks a myriad of use cases that can change the world as we know it.

Snyk and ServiceNow’s strategic partnership shows DevSecOps isn’t a fad

Snyk announces a $25 million strategic investment from ServiceNow and the release of a new DevSecOps integration.

ChatGPT’s killer enterprise use case will be managing knowledge, says EY CTO

The killer enterprise use case for ChatGPT could be its impact on knowledge management, says EY CTO Nicola Morini Bianzino.

Identifying and differentiating quantum talent for future success

Tech leaders must identify which quantum skillsets correspond to their use cases to make sure they have the right QIST talent on hand.

What happens to a large language model (LLM) after it’s trained

Different approaches to using large language models (LLMs) after they're built — their complexities and likelihood of advancement.

Why game acquisition and financing numbers show reasons for optimism | The DeanBeat

2022 will be known as one that started out with so much promise and ended with dashed hopes for gaming. Yet gaming is still healthy.

Top AI startup news of the week: AI21 Labs, Mad Street Den, aiOla, and more

Announcements around generative AI-powered writing assistance and a few sizable funding rounds fill out the top AI startup news.

Jam City appoints Josh Yguado as CEO as Chris DeWolfe leaves for Plai Labs startup

Jam City announced that Chris DeWolfe and Aber Whitcomb have left for a new mobile game startup and Josh Yguado will step up to be CEO.

How Microsoft can become the biggest winner of generative AI

Azure OpenAI Service can be Microsoft’s winning card in the race to dominate the fast-growing market for generative AI.

PlayStation Plus includes Devil May Cry V in January’s second wave

PlayStation has rolled out the latest PS Plus offering, which includes Devil May Cry V, Back 4 Blood, Erica and Syphon Filter 3.

Tamatem Games launches payment and distribution platform for mobile games

Tamatem Games, which publishes mobile games in the Middle East and Africa, has released a new payments and distribution platform.

What’s holding Web3 back from prime time

Why security is critical, and decentralized, user-driven services that won’t go dark when you need them most are the promise of Web3.

Top 5 stories of the week: ChatGPT, CES and cybersecurity advice from AWS

A roundup of the top 5 stories this week, including AI at CES and coming soon to Microsoft Office, and security advice from AWS.

Immutable’s outlook for blockchain games in 2023 | Robbie Ferguson

Of the many companies in blockchain gaming, Immutable has emerged as one of the leaders, or at least survivors, in the emerging market. And it has an elevated role among blockchain platforms and so it can see more of the future. ImmutableX generated $87 million in non-fungible token (NFT) trading volume, 250% higher than last […]

AI feature engineering is focus as DataStax acquires Kaskada

Real-time streaming vendor DataStax acquires AI vendor Kaskada to provide data foundation and feature engineering for AI inference engines.

How to scale infinite and complex IoT data

Top strategies to prepare for a future of exponentially growing datasets in an Internet of Things (IoT) world.

Avatar Generations debuts gameplay for ATLA mobile RPG

Avatar Generations lets players build and upgrade their own Team Avatar, explore the Four Nations and master the elements.

Worlds offers industrial companies a digital twin to improve efficiency, gets $21.2M boost

Worlds Enterprises, which offers industrial companies a digital twin to improve efficiency, gets $21.2M boost.

How businesses can get quantum ready for long-term success

A long-term, “million-qubit” mindset is essential to protect investments in quantum. Why organizations must get quantum ready now.

We need to build better bias in AI

AI teams urgently need to become more diverse; and, the conversation around AI bias must expand to keep up with evolving AI systems.

Confluent expands Kafka Streams capabilities, acquires Apache Flink vendor

With its acquisition of Immerok, Confluent aims to expand data stream processing and further enable enterprise applications.

Lumus readies new waveguide designs for smaller and lighter AR glasses

Lumus has introduced its second-generation technology enabling the development of smaller and lighter AR glasses.

Why enterprises can’t afford to overlook API security in 2023 

With API cybersecurity incidents on the rise, enterprises need a more proactive approach to protecting apps from threat actors.

Paula Abdul launches smart audio glasses

Entertainment celebrity Paula Abdul today announced the launch of her Paula Abdul Signature Smart Audio Glasses today at CES 2023.

Nvidia Omniverse adds generative AI and Unity with update

Nvidia has released a new update to its Omniverse simulation tools that will let developers tap generative AI and Unity’s game engine. The latest release delivers enhanced performance and usability, new deployment options and newOmniverse connectors to expand the ecosystem. The company made the announcement at a virtual event ahead of the CES 2023 tech […]

Npixel’s Gran Saga: Unlimited will be 1st game on the Aptos blockchain

Npixel's Gran Saga: Unlimited will be the first game to be published on the Aptos Network, a new Web3 platform.

2023 could be the year of mixed reality

The real metaverse will be a mixed reality where virtual content is combined with the physical world, expanding and embellishing daily life.

New YouTube policies demonetize more gaming content

YouTube has rolled out new content moderation guidelines which could demonetize all content from certain video games.